Oct. 22, 2009 -- SCOTTSDALE, AZ: WILL ROGGE, left, and ANDREW LAPUTKA, both from Los Angeles, play the game "Beatles Rock Band" on a Microsoft X-Box 360 at the new Microsoft store in Scottsdale, AZ, Thursday. Microsoft's first retail store opened in Fashion Square Mall in Scottsdale, AZ, Thursday. Microsoft's first foray into retail is widely considered to be a shot across the bows of Apple computers. The store's design is similar to Apple stores and the new Microsoft store is between two Apple stores, one in an upscale shopping mall five miles north of the Microsoft store, the other in an upscale shopping area about 5 miles west of the Microsoft store. Microsoft used the occasion to officially launch the newest version of Windows 7, the newest version of Windows, Microsoft's flagship product. Photo by Jack Kurtz