17 APRIL 2013 - BANGKOK, THAILAND: People lined up six deep at the counter of a gold shop in Bangkok to buy gold Wednesday morning. Thais flocked to gold shops in Bangkoks's Chinatown this morning to buy gold. Wednesday was the first day most gold shops were open after a five day holiday weekend. Shops were closed Friday through Tuesday, when global gold prices dropped by more than 13% based on jitters that Cyprus might liquidate its gold stocks. The Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX) suspended trading of all gold and silver futures for a short time Tuesday morning because of instability in the market. Gold is now about 22 percent below the record peak of $1,920.30 an ounce set in September 2011. Thais buy gold as both jewelry and an investment, a hedge against inflation and financial failures. Bangkok's Chinatown district is the center of Thailand's gold trade. PHOTO BY JACK KURTZ