Mar. 21, 2009 -- BANGKOK, THAILAND: A boy waits for a funeral to start in his home in the Monk's Bowl Village. The Monk's Bowl Village on Soi Ban Baat in Bangkok is the only surviving one of what were originally three artisan's communities established by Thai King Rama I for the purpose of handcrafting "baat" the ceremonial bowls used by monks as they collect their morning alms. Most monks now use cheaper factory made bowls and the old tradition is dying out. Only six or seven families on Soi Ban Baat still make the bowls by hand. Most of the bowls are now sold to tourists who find their way to hidden alleys in old Bangkok. The small family workshops are only a part of the "Monk's Bowl Village." It is also a thriving residential community of narrow alleyways and sidewalks. Photo by Jack Kurtz