Jan 10, 2010 - PHOENIX, AZ: Saturday morning breakfast for the homeless at CrossRoads United Methodist Church in Phoenix, AZ. The church has been ordered by city zoning officials to stop serving breakfast to the homeless and indigent on Saturday mornings. The church started serving breakfast to the homeless in Jan. 2009 and shortly after that neighbors in the upscale area of Phoenix complained to city officials that the church was in violation of zoning ordinances. The city found the church was operating a "charity kitchen" and ordered them to stop serving the breakfast. Rev. Dottie Escobedo-Frank, the pastor of the church, has said the church will file an appeal in US District Court and continue serving the breakfast until the appeals process is exhausted. About 150 people attend the Saturday breakfast each week. Some walk to the church from the alleys they live in in the neighborhood, others are bused to the breakfast by the church, which sens a bus in 1.5 mile radius from the church. Photo by Jack Kurtz