29 AUGUST 2020 - RUNNELLS, IOWA: Members of the Iowa Army National Guard Honor Guard with the casket of Pvt. Roy Brown Jr. in Runnells, IA. Pvt. Brown was a US Army soldier in World War II. He was an infantryman in the 126th Infantry Regiment, 32nd Infantry Division, serving in the Australian Territory of Papua (now Papua New Guinea). He went missing in action on Dec. 2, 1942. Unidentified remains were recovered on Feb. 2, 1943 and were eventually interred in the Manila American Cemetery. On May 14, 2019, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency using dental records, circumstantial evidence and DNA identified the remains as Pvt. Brown's. He was reinterred in the Lowman Cemetery in Runnells Saturday. PHOTO BY JACK KURTZ